Meditations-Pr.5:1-14 “Path of life”

Christian Living (with capital L) to indicate inclusiveness of living in the Land of the living. Our natural world is borne upon the shoulders of the world of Spirit. When we received Jesus Christ as our Lord Savior we are living in heavenly places. We consider our natural appetites the caul of our natural man offered to God as a burnt offering. What does ‘heavenly places’ mean? We are pilgrims and sojourners even as Abraham did trusting in the promises of God. “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul(1 Pe.2:11).” We have a goal, the city that has foundations whose Maker is God.

Jesus as the way we have a path cut out for us. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls(Matt.11:29)”. Salvation is not in any other than from Jesus Christ whose word is to be followed whose faith is our faith. He is the Prince of peace and we believe that rest for our souls determines Christian Living and it is not certainly following heretical teachings of ‘strangers’.

Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and depart not from the words of my mouth.

Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:

Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:

10 Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger;

11 And thou mourn at the last, when thy flesh and thy body are consumed,

12 And say, How have I hated instruction, and my heart despised reproof;

13 And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor inclined mine ear to them that

instructed me! How foolish it is to neglect the well of salvation that is in our House of bread?”Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well(v.15)”. One who would drink from strangers shall live to regret. “  Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her house:/ Lest thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel:/ Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger;” This is how cults have fattened on the simple and foolish, literally.

The pastors like wolves in sheep’s clothing serve congregation meals and claim it is love feast. In fact it is spoils of their violence.” For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence(4:17).

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” This is a straight and narrow path but it holds the path of life. “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me(John 14:6)”.

About bennythomas

I am a Dutch citizen. An architect by profession I am married and have six grandchildren. I am still keen on expressing myself and each day is new and an occasion where I might bring out from within something worthwhile.
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